Foshan Dragon Performance Equipment Co., Ltd     [email protected]

2014 May 24th , the eleventh Meet of sounds exchange

2014 May 24th , the eleventh Meet of sounds exchange

 2014 May 24th , the eleventh Meet of sounds exchange was helded in BeiJing.
Many experts and scholar and visitor total about 300 person came this meeting.
in this meeting , holder and e-friend and buyer be introduced to each other.they talk about the advantage and disavantage about this industry.
all techonical and future trend  are included consideration.
 the sound and lights become more and more professional and more weight. many truss expert also have attend this meeting.
As our truss factory. we need expend our truss region . lighting truss and spigot truss and screw truss and aluminum  shape truss,circle truss ,arc truss,  
add more shape truss .  tell our client how to choose good truss. 
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