Foshan Dragon Performance Equipment Co., Ltd     [email protected]

Exhibition date: September 18-20, 2019

Exhibition date: September 18-20, 2019

 Exhibition date: September 18-20, 2019
Venue: Mumbai Exhibition Center, India
Organizer: InfoComm International, Leading Industry Media and Associations
Overview of the exhibition: InfoComm India aims to connect system suppliers around the world and system integrators and end users of the Indian subcontinent to build a cooperative bridge, establish mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships, and cultivate the skills needed for market growth. . Although India is a large professional audiovisual and communication system market, it is not without challenges, so it is important for system suppliers to find the right partners. InfoComm International, as an international trade association for the professional audiovisual and information communication industry affiliated with InfoComm India, has been working closely with industry members for several years to bring the skills and knowledge of professional listening skills to India.
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